precautions for use Impairment goggles


For your exercise to be successful, follow these guidelines and restrictions of use


Avoid throwing heavy and sharp objects , do not use the Alcovista® goggles in dangerous places for the user or the public. Not use Alcovista® for driving any kind of vehicle o during hazardous activities (eg, driving on the road) or use on public roads .

These goggles show the distortion of vision in certain circumstances or with the absorption of certain substances. There is no direct relationship with the absorption of alcohol or drugs. Like many phenomena , reducing the visual field is unique to each person, depending on his vision or his reaction to the product, that is why we can not set a fixed level of alcohol for each goggle.
All the exercises you will do with these goggle must be under the supervision of a teacher. Only the user is responsible for the use of it .


Do not hesitate to contact us by email: here or by phone at +34 914 452 404