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Rauschbrillen, Drogenbrille


1. General comments: Except in case of written agreement, the remittance asked by the customer implies his agreement with these generals’ sales conditions. Thereof, the pursuance of the order implies a full and unreserved involvement of the buyer to these generals’ sales conditions. The conclusion of a sale contract implies the acceptance of these presents’ generals’ conditions, regardless of the arrangements which could appear in the buyer documents.

2. Orders: The sale is juridically considered as perfect and complete from the moment that the customer firms the order, and with his irrevocable agreement. After the signature of the order, no cancellation could be accepted. Every modification or addition of the order is considered as a new order, in terms of conditions and delivery date.

3. Copyright: The customer is the only responsible of intellectual and artistic property rights that he asks us to reproduce. The customer guarantees to us the full rights against any complaint or request of a third party about related rights.

4. Stocking conditions: Our products have to be stocked inside their original packaging, protected from the light, humidity and with a temperature lower than 40º.

5. Complaints: Every complaint has to contain informations about the order, like the conditions of use of the items, the date, the place of the purchase, the serial number and the lot number. No items return will be accepted, and so, no refund or replacement without the agreement of the quality responsible of CONTRALCO. The only responsibility of ADDIXIS CONSULTING S.L. is to replace the products provided by CONTRALCO or accredited providers but is not responsible of damages, injuries or incomes losses. No guarantee could be made in offset print for a specific colour, because the colours could changed a little. Although the four-colours value is identical, the colours displayed on the screen could vary according the type of screen, paper. Dark colours are always become more blade functions of the support. Every misprint which not affects significantly the meaning or the global content of the products, can’t give the right to discounts, payment refusal or free print. The customer give his approbation to the art work or evidences submitted in PDF format. His approbation as considered as a work order and acceptance of the art word and  the texts. Every possible complaint has to be sent to us in a maximum of 7 days after the delivery by registered mail.

6. Prices: Our products are invoiced in Euros, according to the current rate in effect at the moment of the order. Except contrary indications in the receipt of the order, the prices of the products correspond to the factory outlet or to the 1990 version of the board of trade incoterm “EX WORKS”.  The customer has to take charge of postages, always indicated in pro forma invoice.

7. Supply conditions: Except special agreement, the merchandises will be delivered in time agreed between the two parties, the acceptance day of the order. However, the delay will not lead to a cancellation or any damages. The delivery time is calculated from the moment of reception of the date of payment or the art work validation. The goods delivery is confirmed as soon as the customer confirms and firms the delivery order. The buyer takes the responsibility of the merchandises during the transport. It’s the buyer responsibility to check the good condition of the products, the mistakes, the losses or damages at the delivery and, if necessary, to send a complaint to the carrier within 48 hours. If the products are not complying with the nature and quantities indicated in the delivery order, the customer has to send a registered mail within 7 days after the delivery  to ADDIXIS CONSULTING S.L.

8. Payment conditions: Except special condition, the products have to be paid cash by bank transfer. The payment can not be delayed on no account. The customer couldn’t keep any amount due to a delay of the delivery. The customer takes charges of every costs or banking fees.

9. Reserves property, risks: ADDIXIS CONSULTING S.L. expressly reserves ownership of the goods delivered until full payment of the purchase price, interest, costs etc. As a consequence, promissory notes, bill of exchanges, bank drafts are not considered as a payment.

However, the risks are transferred to the buyer at the moment of the delivery. The customer takes the responsibility to protect and conserve the goods and to take out insurances in order to cover damages and losses which could be making to the products.

10. Merchandises return: Neither merchandises return nor any other amount and refund will be accepted without the first agreement of ADDIXIS consulting.

11. Language, law and jurisdiction:

Language: The Spanish language (castellan) of our generals’ sales conditions and our acknowledgement of receipt shall prevail in case of disagreements.

Enforceable law: This text is written in order to be valid, interpreted and executed by the Spanish law.

Jurisdiction: The address choice is made at our head office: In case of protest, whatever the goods delivery place, the tribunal of Madrid has the exclusive ability.

ADDIXIS CONSULTING SL ,ESB84198134 Alfonso XII, nº 8, 28014 Madrid


Wirkung und Risiken

Unmittelbare Wirkungen und Risiken des Alkoholkonsums

Alkohol beeinflusst Wahrnehmung, Aufmerksamkeit und Reaktionsvermögen, wirkt sich aber auch auf Emotionen und Verhalten aus und hat sogar einen Einfluss auf grundlegende körperliche Systeme wie die Regelung der Körpertemperatur und die Atmung

Über die Blutbahn wird der Alkohol ins Gehirn transportiert. Im Gehirn wirkt er auf den Botenstoffwechsel und beeinträchtigt damit verschiedene Hirnfunktionen: Die Sehleistung wird verringert und das Blickfeld verengt sich (Tunnelblick). Aufmerksamkeit, Konzentration, Kritik- und Urteilsfähigkeit und Reaktionsvermögen werden beeinträchtigt. Die Risikobereitschaft steigt an. Je nach Menge des konsumierten Alkohols können diese Leistungen leicht bis sehr stark eingeschränkt sein. Die Reaktionszeit ist zum Beispiel bei einem Blutalkoholwert von 0,8‰ gegenüber dem nüchternen Zustand um 30 bis 50% verlängert.

Die Wirkung von Alkohol kann anfänglich als positiv empfunden werden. Mit zunehmender Konsummenge treten negative Emotionen und unangebrachtes Verhalten auf. Die Wirkung hängt dabei auch von der momentanen Verfassung ab. War man vor dem Alkoholkonsum traurig oder wütend, kann etwas Alkohol zu besserer Laune führen; schnell schlägt dies aber um in noch tiefere Traurigkeit und grössere Wut.

O,5 Promille

Ab einem Blutalkoholwert von 0,5‰ wird die Stimmung euphorisch, man wird mitteilsam und hat einen starken Rededrang. Es setzen bereits leichte Koordinationsstörungen ein, die mit zunehmendem Blutalkoholwert in starke Gleichgewichtsstörungen übergehen. Je mehr Alkohol man zu sich nimmt, desto mehr fallen die Hemmungen, man ist zunehmend ücksichtslos und überschätzt sich selbst

1 bis 2 Promille

Vom Rauschstadium spricht man ab einem Blutalkoholwert von etwa 1 bis 2‰. Funktionen wie die Reaktionsfähigkeit und das Gleichgewicht sind bereits stark beeinträchtigt, Emotionen und Verhalten verändern sich. Man wird zunehmend verwirrt und verliert die Orientierung. Es setzen Stimmungsschwankungen und Schläfrigkeit ein. Grössere Mengen Alkohol führen zu Übelkeit und Erbrechen.

2 bis 3 Promille

Im Betäubungsstadium mit etwa 2 bis 3‰ sind die Störungen der allgemeinen Funktionen sehr ausgeprägt. Ein Reaktionsvermögen zum Beispiel ist kaum noch vorhanden.

3 bis 5 Promille

Ab einem Blutalkoholwert von 3‰ kann eine erwachsene Person bewusstlos werden und ins Koma fallen. Die Körpertemperatur ist dann bereits deutlich gesunken, die Atmung schwach, und es kann zu Atemnot bis hin zu Atemlähmung kommen, was tödliche Folgen haben kann.

Für Kinder und Jugendliche sind schon geringere Blutalkoholkonzentrationen lebensgefährlich.




Taking drugs will impair driving skills.

Driving whilst under the influence of drugs is extremely dangerous and can affect driving in numerous ways.

Drug drivers can suffer from slower reaction times, erratic and aggressive behaviour, an inability to concentrate properly, nausea, hallucinations, panic attacks, paranoia, tremors (or ‘the shakes’) dizziness and fatigue. In such a condition, it is a bad idea to be behind the wheel of a car, for the driver and their passengers.

During the phase whilst the effects of drugs are wearing off, the taker may feel fatigued, which will affect their concentration whilst driving.


Cannabis users often think they are safer when they are under the influence because they drive slower. However, this also means that the driver avoids tasks that require effort, like over taking. It also distorts perception of time and distance so other vehicles seem closer than they really are.

The specific effects of driving on cannabis are:

  • Slow driving
  • Avoiding driving tasks that require effort
  • Affects ability to control the car safely
  • Increased reaction and decision times
  • Inaccurate judgement of time and distance
  • Inability to maintain headway
  • Poor control of lateral position
  • Impaired sustained vigilance

Cocaine leads to a sense of over confidence and this is reflected in driving style. Users typically perform higher risk, more aggressive manoeuvres at greater speeds, which is obviously dangerous.

The specific effects of driving on cocaine are:

  • Aggressive manoeuvres
  • Speeding
  • Poor control of the vehicle
  • Erratic driving
  • Over-confident, high risk behaviour

The following effects are likely to occur once someone has stopped taking the drug and are related to the fatigue that results from cocaine use:

  • Inattentive driving
  • Distraction and drowsiness
  • Falling asleep at the wheel

Although it’s not a drug that makes people violent, it is extremely dangerous to drive on ecstasy because it results in:

  • Distorted vision
  • Heightened sounds
  • Increased fatigue and tiredness
  • Affected perception and judgement of risks
  • A more aggressive attitude
  • Day-after effects similar to cocaine, leading to distraction, drowsiness and inattentive driving.
Amphetamine (Speed)

Speed is a stimulant which can make you feel more awake and alert. Users may feel more confident. However, it creates a feeling of loss of coordination. It will make people less likely to react on time to potential dangers. The effects can last up to several hours depending on how it was taken, and from person to person.

The specific effects of driving on Speed are:

  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Irregular heartbeat and breathing
  • Irritability, restlessness and anxiety as the effects wear off
  • After an initial alertness, the user can experience sleeping problems, exhaustion and fatigue

LSD severely distorts senses and perceptions creating visual hallucinations and making someone feel detached from reality. Driving after taking LSD is extremely dangerous and the effects can last up to 12 hours. A 'bad trip' can be frightening and you can experience terrifying thoughts and feelings.

The specific effects of driving on LSD are:

  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion and distrust of the user’s own senses
  • Poor coordination and control
  • Tremors and twitching
  • Increased anxiety
  • Flashbacks can also occur in the following weeks and months

Heroin slows reactions, dulls perceptions and affects coordination. Though the user can feel ‘euphoric’ they often feel sleepy and sluggish, which can cause driving accidents. It is widely agreed that someone heavily under the influence of heroin will be unfit to drive. The numbers of drivers found with heroin in their blood after a road traffic fatality are said to be increasing.

The specific effects of driving on heroin are:

  • Distorted perception / lack of coordination
  • Tiredness
  • Nausea and breathing problems
  • Effects can take anything up to 24 hours to reduce

Ketamine is a 'disassociative' anaesthetic. This means it causes a sense of being separated from the world around you, as well as sedating you and dulling pain like a normal anaesthetic. Ketamine cannot kill you from overdose in the way other drugs like heroin can but it has been implicated in an increasing number of accidental deaths, such as drowning or falling from buildings, because users are simply not aware of what is going on around them.

The specific effects of driving on ketamine are:

  • Distorted perceptions and hallucinations
  • At higher doses - becoming completely unresponsive to the outside world
  • Impaired coordination
  • Drastically slowed reaction times
Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB)

Depending on the dose, GHB acts as both a sedative and a stimulant, with the effects lasting for several hours. At low doses, GHB can cause euphoria and increased sociability. At higher doses, GHB can cause rapid loss of consciousness and other side effects. GHB impairs motor coordination and mental alertness, leading to the inability to concentrate, judge speed or distance and drive in a straight line. The police can easily spot those signs. As such, driving while under the influence of GHB significantly increases the likelihood of road accidents and hospitalisation.

The specific effects of driving on GHB are:

  • Rapid loss of consciousness and sudden sleepiness
  • Vomiting, amnesia, respiratory depression and visual disturbances
  • Slurred speech, jerky body movements, dilated pupils, spitting, lack of balance
  • Inability to focus leading to erratic driving.
Using more than one drug

People often take more than one drug or mix drugs with alcohol. For example, a stimulant like cocaine to ‘sharpen up’ after having alcohol or cannabis. In fact, combining drugs can have a dramatic and unpredictable effect on a user's state and driving.


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